Mark Blackman

Name: Mark Blackman


I am an education leader at heart – a lifelong teacher and education leader. Having led in both the academy trust sector, schools and local government, I have a solid track record as a senior and executive leader. I have been the chair of finance and a non-executive director in a national internet safety charity. I have experience of leadership at all levels, across the education landscape, leading headteachers and principals in system leadership both formally and informally. I have been a Headteacher, CEO, Director of Education and a Trustee, always committed to getting the best outcomes for young people.

Professional Qualifications:

  • BSc Hons Physics with Physical Electronics and Education Cert Ed.
  • Qualified Teacher Status
  • NPQH

Governance Experience:

  • 30 years of service in education settings
  • 8 years as a school governor
  • 4 years as a Trustee in an academy trust

Why a Trustee?

As an experienced CEO and leader in education, I understand the importance of effective governance and have a genuine commitment to seeing the power of education help young people achieve the very best. I am delighted to be able to bring this experience to Southerly Point and look forward to helping the Trust in the months to come.